The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. The progress in our world today all happened because of the practical dreamers. Thomas Edison had a dream to produce a bulb that would produce light by electricity. The Wright Brothers (Wilbur and Orville) were self-taught engineers who had a dream to fly an airplane. Henry Ford also had a dream for producing engines that use petrol. When they had their dreams, people thought they had gone nuts. But now, we all are enjoying the reality of their dreams till generations to come.
Dreaming does not only have to do with inventions. Your dream can be a voice that will have impact in your generation. Martin Luther King Jr. (March, 1963) declared: “I have a dream.” The dream was that one day, the children of former slave owners and the children of former slaves would be able to sit together. It has happened but it was once a dream. You can break beyond the borders of your present limitations to create a new future.
You need to take action for your dreams to become realities. Action bridges the gap between dream and reality. Thomas Edison said “Success is one-percent inspiration and ninety nine-percent perspiration”. We have read books, attended seminars, we have been inspired but we have not done anything. Lack of action kills dreams. The proof that you believe in your dream is on doing it. Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. once said “Life is action and passion therefore it is required of a man that he should share the passion and action of his time at the peril of been judged not to have lived.” Do not be a spectator in life, jump on the field and be a part of the action. Make good use of the opportunities that you have today. There is a time to dream and a time to turn the dreams to reality. Snap out of your dream and make it a reality. Success is not for people who are fearful. You need courage to take action. Do not permit fear to snatch your dream from you. Successful people have fear like everyone else but they act in spite of those fears.
If you do not have a dream, you do not have a future. People might tell you “if you try it, you will face the music.” Just tell yourself, “Face the music, then one day, you will lead the orchestra.”