The area between the two extremes, where both the real and the virtual are mixed, is the so-called mixed reality. A common colloquial usage would have reality mean “perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes toward reality”, as in “My reality is not your reality.” This is often used just as a colloquialism indicating that the parties to a conversation agree, or should agree, not to quibble over deeply different conceptions of what is real.
As much as we’d like to live easy lives full of happiness and abundance, the reality is that life can be very difficult at times.
Regardless of who we are, what we do, or how hard we try, life will throw us plenty of curve balls to knock us off track. We can get derailed unexpectedly from our plans and goals at a blink of an eye.
Life operates on certain irrefutable pillars. It is just what takes place in life. You do not have to agree with it nor does life try to justify it.
Reality and meaning only exist within an understanding, as the tools of that understanding. Meaning is created by applying the understandings beliefs about right and wrong to the understandings experiences, to discover purpose. Reality is the memory of the form and meaning of the understandings observations to be used to achieve the understanding’s purpose. Hence you decide what is the reality and meaning of life.
As I’ve gone through life and become increasingly aware of how this world really operates, I’ve made some observations that I felt are just the harsh realities of life.
Some of these realities are within our control where we have the ability to change the situation or outcome. Some other realities are just not within our control and things we have to accept.
For things that aren’t in our control, we do have the ability to choose how we perceive and respond to them. And that’s the key. Cause like I said, no matter who you are and what you’ve done or how great you try to make life, things happen. Gravity pulls objects towards the earth. Regardless of how intelligent a man may present himself or whatever his ethnicity, his social status or his religious connections, if he throws himself off of a high building regardless of whether he believes in gravity or not, he will crash towards earth in the same way as a poor fool. That is a fact of life.
Some harsh reality of life
Circumstances will challenge you. Life is about overcoming challenges and learning to circumvent people who become stumbling blocks. Challenges and people are not our problems. It is our ability to overcome and rise above them. When you focus your energy on people and your circumstances you put out too much energy in futility. Jim Rohn said that “for things to change you must change.” Sometimes we get distracted with the negative people in our lives and inadvertently allow those same people to convert us into a negative and unhappy person. Use the negative people and bad circumstances in your life to propel you. Take charge of you and what happens to you. Never surrender your future and your happiness to mortal man.